Vision of Weltherz e.V.

Two things are particularly important to us: First, it is important to ensure the basic needs of the children in the short and medium term through food, drinking water, medicine, hygiene and clothing in a familiar home. In the long term, Weltherz e.V. wants to enable children and adolescents to become self-determined, well-qualified young people by participating in the educational system and by receiving a good school education. By graduating from school, these young people will be able to realize their personal and professional potential.

David im Unterricht seiner privaten Sekundarschule

How does Weltherz e.V. work?

Weltherz e.V. currently supports the orphanage Hope Home in Tanzania, which cares for children from disadvantaged households as well as for half-orphans and orphans. In order to ensure the education of the children, we arrange sponsorships through which the children can attend schools.

We regularly visit the Hope Home in Tanzania at our own expense in order to coordinate the projects we are aiming at, such as the construction of a new orphanage on site, to visit schools, to coordinate with responsible persons and to maintain a familiar contact with our project partners and the children. The needs of the children are always at the forefront of our plans. The long-term goal is to enable a large degree of self-sufficiency on site, for example by building up a pig and chicken farm or the production and sale of clothing and accessories.

You (world) heart counts:

You are supporting an association which, due to its lean structure, can ensure that your donations and contributions fully benefit the project. Weltherz e.V. has a network of supporters from various fields (legal, marketing, PR, design) – people with a big (world) heart. Through their voluntary support, hardly any administrative costs arise, which is why we can cover these costs not through donations, but through the annual membership fees of our association members.


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Political system of Tanzania

Political System of Tanzania The United Republic of Tanzania was created in 1964 from the union of the two states of Tanganyika and Zanzibar.

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