“It’s not the hand
but the heart that gives.”

(Tanzanian proverb)

Weltherz is a young, non-profit association that was founded in October 2017 in Munich by a group of motivated young people. Our aim is to help people, especially children and young people in Africa, to provide them with a good school education and thus to support them in shaping their own future.

All of us are employed and work voluntarily for Weltherz. We are very happy about energetic helpers who – beyond financial support – would like to help us to realize our goals and realize our projects.

If you too would like to help, please contact us via our contact form.

Denise mit Kindern des Hope Home

How it all started…

The reason for the foundation of her own charitable association was a stay in Tanzania in the summer of 2017, where Denise worked as a volunteer for a few weeks in an institution for orphans and street children. During this time she got to know a variety of other social institutions, such as children’s homes and child and women’s rights organisations.

This showed that, in addition to the fascinating nature of the country, a large part of the population suffers from poverty and lack of opportunities that we could not imagine. When Denise finally met Sarah and Joseph and her “Hope Home”, which they run with much love, it was immediately clear to her that even after her stay, she would like to make a contribution to help the local people, especially the children and young people, to make their dreams come true and to pave the way for them to a self-determined and hopeful future.

Her meeting with Sarah and Joseph and the children at “Hope Home” was the most moving moment of her journey – the warmth with which she was received by everyone and the sacrifice with which Sarah and Joseph dedicate themselves to the care and support of the children touched her deeply. When she learned about the daily difficulties – from lack of water and food to insufficient medical care – that the “Hope Home” and heard the moving stories of the children, the need grew in her to commit herself – together with the local people – and to support these people in the long term.

Your team from Weltherz e.V.

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