Christmas campaign: “A month without worries”
Daily water and electricity, enough food and a visit to the doctor are a matter of course for us in Germany – unfortunately not for the children in the Hope Home.
We would like to give something meaningful for Christmas and therefore make carefree months possible for the Hope Home with this year’s Christmas campaign. Support us in our Christmas campaign so that Sarah, Joseph and the children can sleep peacefully at night.
You can choose from the following Christmas gifts:
cooking | |
Cooking oil/frying oil
In Tanzania a lot of cooking oil is used to prepare the food in a typical way. However, this oil is relatively expensive in Tanzania.
28€ per month |  |
Gas supply for the stove
The Hope Home can only use the new gas stove if the gas supply is guaranteed.
18€ per month |  |
No child in this world should be hungry. Three meals a day for each child - that is our goal. Enable a balanced diet that promotes the physical and mental development of the children.
175€ per month |  |
Chickens for self-sufficiency
Eggs and chicken meat are an important food source for the Hope Home. Sarah and Joseph can sell anything that exceeds their own needs on the local market. In this way they secure a small income for themselves.
5,50€ for 1 chicken |  |
Household | |
Clean drinking water is the elixir of life for all of us and forms the basis for health and development.
8€ per month |  |
Providing light with electricity: Being able to read and learn after dark should be a matter of course for the children. Light also takes away their fear of darkness.
12€ per month |  |
Permanent housing gives security and stability to children who have had to move frequently or change foster families.
120€ per month |  |
With the help of a refrigerator, the Hope Home can store food longer in the African heat. Sarah and Joseph would then no longer have to go shopping every day and would have more time for the children.
360€ one-time
Already donated! |  |
Hygiene | |
Hygiene is a top priority at Hope Home, which is why soap is an important part of local life. There are no high standards: there is only one type of soap for laundry, kitchen washing and personal hygiene.
24€ per month |  |
body lotion
Since the hot temperatures dry out the skin, the body must be sufficiently creamed and cared for.
6€ per month |  |
Health insurance
Medical security is a basic prerequisite for a carefree life.
31€ per month |  |
Washing machine
18 children cause huge mountains of laundry - which are washed daily by hand in the Hope Home! With a washing machine there is more time for the care of the children.
480€ once only |  |
kids | |
School stuff
Education creates knowledge and prospects for the future. Various stationery and textbooks are necessary for school attendance, which helps the children to get out of poverty.
12€ per month |  |
Shoe cream for lacquer school shoes
In the Tanzanian school system school uniforms including school shoes are a prerequisite for school attendance. Therefore they should look well groomed every day.
8€ per month |  |
Local and long-distance transport
Expenses for Bajaj and bus trips are necessary for errands and visits to the authorities.
6€ per month |  |
Social workers
Every child has its own destiny and its own personal history. With a trained social worker, we want to support the children in coping with and overcoming their traumas - so that they can be children again. In addition, Sarah and Joseph are relieved of the burden of daily childcare and the legal requirements are adhered to.
120€ per month |  |
It’s that simple:
1. decide what and for how many months you would like to donate
2. just send us an email with your gift choice or use our template and send it filled out as a pdf to:
or by mail:
Weltherz e.V.
c/o Denise Benz
Hans-Dürrmeier-Weg 10
80339 Munich, Germany
Transfer the total amount to our donation account and state “One month without worries” and your address in the intended purpose. We will automatically send you the donation receipt.
Our donation account:
Weltherz e.V.
IBAN: DE97702501500028883254
Kreissparkasse Munich Starnberg Ebersberg
For further information and questions please do not hesitate to contact us.
Thank you very much for your support during this year’s Christmas campaign “One month without worries”!