Political system of Tanzania
November 30, 2020
Political System of Tanzania The United Republic of Tanzania was created in 1964 from the union of
More...November 30, 2020
Political System of Tanzania The United Republic of Tanzania was created in 1964 from the union of
More...August 22, 2020
Country information Tanzania Tanzania is a state in East Africa and with about 58 million inhabitants the
More...May 04, 2020
Home Schooling: Corona in Tanzania The so-called coronavirus Sars-CoV-2, which causes the lung disease Covid-19, does
More...February 28, 2020
Our sponsors visiting the Hope Home Our Weltherz-Sponsor Daniela from Würzburg visited her sponsored child Noreen in
More...January 25, 2020
Review of 2019: We’re starting our future project Sponsorships for all children, the purchase of a
More...A sponsorship comes from the heart and is a voluntary gesture. You do not enter into any long-term obligation and can terminate the monthly payments at any time with immediate effect. We will be happy to issue you a donation receipt.