Interview with Sarah and Joseph
December 20, 2019
Sarah und Joseph erzählen im Interview, was sie mit dem Hope Home verbinden.
More...December 20, 2019
Sarah und Joseph erzählen im Interview, was sie mit dem Hope Home verbinden.
More...November 27, 2019
Schenken Sie zu Weihnachten: „Wohnen ohne Sorgen“
More...October 17, 2019
On-site visit: A plot for the Hope Home Half a year has passed again and so it
More...July 09, 2019
Water for everyone? We blow up our lawns, water our lush front gardens, wash our cars regularly
More...June 17, 2019
Running for a Good Cause: From Karbach to Tanzania It is more than 20 years ago that
More...May 10, 2019
Women’s and mother role in Tanzania Together for more Girlpower! The female role in Tanzania In
More...April 07, 2019
What is a matter of course for us in Germany is pure luxury in Tanzania: We are
More...March 10, 2019
Weltherz X Femme International: Together for more women’s hygiene Every woman knows her, not every woman is
More...February 21, 2019
German planning meets Tanzanian cosiness Experience report of our board member Vanessa After beeing a board member
More...January 14, 2019
Annual review 2018: Much achieved – and still more ahead Three school cooperations, 21 arranged sponsorships and
More...A sponsorship comes from the heart and is a voluntary gesture. You do not enter into any long-term obligation and can terminate the monthly payments at any time with immediate effect. We will be happy to issue you a donation receipt.